
Thursday, 25 August 2011

2012-13 NJC Pay Claim: Consultation


The UNISON NJC Committee met on Friday, 8 July to discuss the contents of the NJC pay claim for 2010/11.  The Committee considered a wide range of economic indicators, pay comparisons with other public sector workers, high inflation levels and the impact of the pay freeze on women.  The proposed 2012/13 pay claim links two years of 'non offers' with redundancies, inflation, attacks on pay and conditions, the car allowance 'freeze' and the attack on equalities and the LGPS in a wider, high profile 'workforce' campaign.
In order to simply catch up with inflation we would have to make a claim for an 11% increase.  Since the Committee considered this unrealistic, it is proposed that we submit a claim for this year for:
A substantial increase on all pay points which recognises the hardship being suffered by local government workers - in particular the lowest-paid. 
The Committee also agreed to call for an end to attacks on terms and conditions.

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