Since mid-October Branch officers with the support of our regional office have been in consultation with the City Council, on the creation of a new acceptable pay model.
You will be aware that the evaluation score of your post will be placed on a grade in the new pay model.
UNISON is concerned that the information shared with us shows that under the current proposals there are an unacceptable number of red circles (losers).
Work is continuing on the pay modelling and will continue following the November 14th Cabinet meeting that is to chose its favoured pay model.
The work that UNISON officers have been involved in has already resulted in reducing the number of red circles by over 660.
Branch Officers are negotiating hard in an effort to achieve the best deal possible for all our members .
However , UNISON believe further work on the pay model could result in still more reductions in the red circles without compromising the validity of the evaluation results or the equality of the scheme.
It is in the intention of Senior Council Officers to present to cabinet on 14th November their preferred pay model, if approved , this will trigger further consultation with UNISON.
At the same time the Employer will dispatch to employees home addresses information on what the proposals mean to you as individuals.
UNISON intend balloting all members.
However, the exact timing of the ballot is still to be decided, but will not be until Branch Officers feel agreement has been reached or consultation has come to and end without agreement.
UNISON would not recommend the current proposals on the basis of the high number of losers!
UNISON has been pushing for protection for red circled posts. At the present time the employer is offering 3 years protection at 100%, this offer while being similar to other regional and national agreements will still leave some employees in positions of unacceptable pay cuts!.
It is the Councils intention to implement the agreement in march 2008. UNISON wishes to see a pay structure introduced that brings an end to pay discrimination based on inequality.
We also wish to see all green circle (gainers under the evaluation process) enjoy their increases and compensatory backpay (where appropriate ) as soon as possible.
But the overall package must recognise the potential serious consequences from a large number of losers.
APPEALS An appeal has been agreed for employees unhappy with the results of the evaluation of their post, evidence will be required to show that the evaluation is wrong. This process will be available at the time of implementation of the Pay Model.
UNISON is aware of the borough wide Single Status briefings that are taking place.
UNISON has not agreed an implementation date for the Single Status agreement.
UNISON has not agreed a date when to ballot our members.
we will ballot our members when we are ready , not when our employer thinks we should
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