
Tuesday, 4 November 2008


The NJC Trade Union Side met on Monday, 3 November 2008 and unanimously agreed the following proposed Terms of Reference for the arbitration process over NJC pay fro 2008-9.

“The Arbitrator is asked to consider the arguments put forward by both sides and make an award to resolve the 2008/9 pay dispute.

All parties accept the arbitrator’s decision is final. In particular, this means:

a) No further industrial action will take place during the arbitration process or following the Arbitrator’s decision, and
b) Any award will be implemented in full without delay”

The Employers’ Side are also considering this form of words and we hope to hear confirmation from them by the end of this week.

The arbitration process will be conducted by a panel of three arbitrators. The names are yet to be provided to both sides by ACAS and agreed. The process will involve both Sides making detailed written submissions to the Arbitration Panel. The exact timings are being established, but it is envisaged this will be done by the last week of November. This will be followed by an oral hearing, probably in early December.

Review of the Green Book

The branch consultation was very clear that branches want the terms and conditions issues separated from the 2009-10 pay claim. This view was supported by the other two NJC trade unions. There have been no further discussions with the Employers on the review since we last updated you in Newsletter 20 in September.